
Maria was born in Águilas, a small city on the south coast of Spain, in the middle of the Mediterranean sea. She grew up listening to stories and legends of ancient settlers that, through thousands of years, left their remains in the town:
Phoenicias, Carthaginians, Romans, greek traders, muslims, and even Berber pirates that attacked the shores and hid their treasures in secret caves. All these stories left a mark on her childhood, getting her interested in history, mythology and arts at a very early age.
Her interest for sewing and fantasy have grown hand in hand since the beginning of her career. At an early age she acquired the required knowledge to take up in the fashion world thanks to the sewing studio her mother owned, traditional rooted and renowed family business in the región, where she achieves a dressmaking certification.
Growing surrounded by these circumstances allowed her, to a large extent, to be able to be provided with equipment to carry out her artistic creations, based on a myriad of cultural references which goes from the imaginary abscribed to ancient civilizations like the Greco-roman, Mesopotamian or Celtic, until the influence exerted by fantasy cinema and literatura, or the universe of videogames, through which, she starts her journey in the world of cosplay, becoming a national benchmark.
She studies music at the conservatory, fact that notably influences her way of conceving the world in a creative and emotional way, although she soon realises music would not be her most suitable medium of artistic expression, as she seeks a medium which could be palpable and that could allow her to feel free to bring her fictional reality to life.
In 2008 she moves to Murcia city to widen her fashion, jewellery, and plastic art education, which leads her to found in 2012 Fairy Cave, project with wich rapidly becomes popular and have the chance to work with international photographers like Agnieszka Lorek, Lilian Liu, Jovana Rikalo or Rebeca Saray, as well as prestigious models specialized in fantasy and alternative fashion. Both national and international press echoed her work and some of her designs were published in important magazines, highlighting VOGUE Italia. In 2019 she decides to come back to her hometown, where, according to her gets more inspiration.
Throughout all these years, she has taken part in several events, displaying her designs and imaginery in photographies in different location across Spain. Her designs are delivered all around the world, having among her customers public figures and celebrities like Paris Hilton or Obrey Oday among others…
FairyCave creations has, apart from an aesthetic profoundly linked to the fantasy world, a stylistic discourse based on previous reserarch, providing a conceptual part to the work. Moreover, all the Works are made by using a wide range of materials, like different fabrics, semi-precious stones or colour treatment. Hence, materials acquire great relevance, since each element has a strong symolism and nothing is arranged at random. Therefore, each creation possesses its own life and story.
Emotions and feelings are reflected in this artistic process, making unique and special each piece of her whole work.
Her current collections are mainly based on greek mythology, also being appreciated a strong influence from Renaissance artists like Boticelli, pre-raphaelites like Waterhouse, together with academists and romanticists like Bougerau or Cabanel among others. Taking nature as the greatest of her muses, this amalgamation of influences gives her designs a tinge of mysticism and an ethereal air reminiscent of fairy tales.